The whole range of possibilities:
- Preventive Maintenance with Calibration: Regular, professional maintenance lengthens machine lifetime and optimize equipment performance. Includes discount on after sales orders for services.
- Telephone Support Service: Enables most of all service and process related issues to be diagnosed remotely via telephone.
- Corrective Breakdown Service: You will have a guarantee maximum spare part availability and quick response by highly skilled personnel in the event of emergency machine breakdown.
- Response Time option: This is an add on option of the CBS and give you a guaranteed response time by field service engineer with parts and tools after machine breakdown.
- Software Service: Providing you with the latest software version, including a helpdesk service during office hours.
- Inspection Service: This is an Preventive Maintenance service for machines which makes a limited amount of running hours. (≤ 1000 running hours/year)

Two major advantages
The Operational Service program from EUROPE-SMT brings two major advantages. You get top-quality service, and your personnel are free to concentrate on their own work.
Regular inspection and maintenance of your equipment greatly increases the chance that it will perform better, last longer, and suffer fewer breakdowns. The frequency of the maintenance is depending of the type of machine and number of running hours ranging from once to a maximum of three maintenance visits per year.

How it works
Preventive Maintenance is carried out during office hours and will take one till two days depending on the type of machine. This fast, thorough service causes a minimum of disruption to your production and ultimately leads to greatly reduced equipment down time. Before the intervention starts we will perform a pre-visit telephone consultation. All inspection or maintenance activities will be carried out with the supplier’s checklist and finalized with a Calibration (depending of the kind of equipment).
After the Preventive Maintenance is performed you will receive an extended written report with all details and improvement advise and the invoice for the consumed parts.
Optional on the Preventive Maintenance Service you can choose for extra services as mentioned. The cost of planned maintenance is calculated per machine and based on the amount of shifts you operate. Increased productivity and improved performance quickly recoup the cost of this service.

Your EUROPE-SMT call centre will take care of all the necessary actions with respect to your request for Operational Services.